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11 days old

Ginny Koppenhol

Photographing newborns is such a privilege. Being a Mum myself, I know how tiring and disorientating those first few weeks can be, and how much you want to protect your lovely 'baby bubble'. So to be invited into a family's home to take photographs of this time is pretty darn special. And this particular newborn is my youngest subject yet at just 11 days old. I always endeavour to capture the relationships between family members. These can be funny moments or tender ones, and this little one gave me plenty of opportunities. She was so alert and so calm!

I particularly love these two images, the first shows how teeny tiny she is in Dad's protective hands, and the second displays how much bonding goes on between Mum and baby even at this early stage...

And siblings are so important too of course. After Mum and Dad, they are usually the biggest role models in a child's life! It looks like she's in good hands on that front too.

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